Add infos to the events calendar

Hints to „Add Infos to The Events Calendar“

Hints to „Add Infos to The Events Calendar“

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I would like to thank claire743 for the Russian translation.


= [1.4] =
* Added: If using Classic Editor or Classic Block (Block Editor): After clicking on Icon „Add infos to the events calendar“ it is possible to choose a category from the select box. Thanks to Adrian Lambertz from for his great help implementing this option.
* Added in settings: Now you can choose whether the categories should be sorted by frequency (default: frequently selected categories first) or by category name.
* Added: Even if TEC is not installed, this plugin can be used without problems. Now only the options that are necessary in this case are shown.
* Updated translations

= [1.3] 2019-05-30 =
* Fixed: Problem with the version number (1.2) so that no updates are performed automatically from Version 1.02 to 1.2.

= [1.2] 2019-05-28 =
* Added: Icon added to the editor tinycme (Classic Editor), so that now the entries for the internal and external link no longer only have to be entered manually directly as short code, but via an additional dialog. This option can be used in the Gutenberg Editor (Block Editor: Classic).

= [1.02] 2019-05-18 =
* Fixed: If The Events Calendar is not installed, in some cases an error message appeared on the page with the short code
* Added: Automatically adds http:// to a URL before the link, if that is missing

= [1.01] 2019-05-14 =
* Fixed: With the option „vl“ the event list was not displayed correctly if the category was wrong or vl=““ was selected.

= [1.0] 2019-05-14 =
* Added feature: The name of the buttons can now be defined via the settings. It is no longer necessary to have translation files that contain translations of the button names.
* Added: Display the copyright only if the field is not empty
* Updated translations
* Updated design of the settings

= [0.66] 2019-05-10 =
* Add some infos and update language files

= [0.65] 2019-05-09 =
* Fixed a bug with the language files

= [0.62] 2019-05-07 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==
= [1.0] =
* Please have a look at the settings, because from this version on there are settings for the <strong>labeling of the buttons</strong>. This allows the buttons to be labeled individually and you are no longer dependent on whether a translation is available in the respective language file.
* If the translations are not correct, you have to look into the folder wp-content\languages\plugins and delete the existing translation files add-infos-to-the-events-calendar*.* if necessary. <strong>Attention</strong>: Please always make a backup first.

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